The Washington State Latinos plays have elevated the Washington State’s economy.
According to data Latinos it is estimated that Latinos contribute $7.1 billion to the state’s economy through spending property taxes and overall tax contributions.
What does LCA VOTES DO?
Latino Civic Alliance VOTES
Is the states leading 501(c) (4) non-profit, non-partisan organization that maximizes full Latino participation in the American political process, from voting to public service.
Founded in 2024, Latino Civic Alliance VOTES believes its mission is to develop, lead and integrate strategies that include increasing the effectiveness of policymakers, mobilizing the Latino community to engage in voting and creating policies on local and state level and promoting policies that advance Latino political engagement.
Latino Civic Alliance VOTES provides city, county and state leadership on key issues that affect Latino participation in our political process, including economic development, labor/workforce development initiatives, small businesses thriving, healthcare, education access, voting rights, election reform, the appointment and election of qualified Latinos to top executive, legislative and judicial positions.

Support Our Cause
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We Work For The People
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our pillars
Small Business
Today, 62.5 million Latinos comprise 19% of the U.S. population, and the nearly 5 million Latino-owned businesses in the U.S. contribute more than $800 billion to the U.S. economy annually, according to Congress’s Joint Economic Committee (JEC). Further, nearly 1 in 4 new businesses in the U.S. today are Latin-owned, and they are major drivers of job-creation.
In the third quarter of 2023, the labor force participation rate of Hispanics was higher than the national average The labor force participation rate represents the number of people in the labor force as a percent of the population. The overall labor force participation rate for everyone age 16 and older was 62.9 percent in the third quarter of 2023, while Hispanics or Latinos had a rate of 67.2 percent.
Latino Students Bring a Wealth of Assets and Diversity of Experience to Schools Latinoa students are a growing part of America’s public schools. Between 2009 and 2020, the percentage of Latino public-school students increased from 22% to 28%, and this figure is expected to reach 30% by 2030 Young Latinos are America’s future entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.
Gun Violence/ Public Safety
Washington State Legislature must adequately fund Gun prevention and Intervention community-based programs that focus on wrap-around services. Children and teens in the US experience staggeringly high rates of gun deaths and injuries. They are also harmed when a friend or family member is killed with a gun, when someone they know is shot, and when they witness and hear gunshots.
We endorse candidates that are committed to change, and choose policies that improve the lives of Latinos that come from many avenues. LCA VOTES has the ability to influence Latino voters and want elected leaders that have the ability in powerful ways to create change through policy change. Governments have a lot of power, political leaders are accountable for their constituents and we want leaders that have the ability to use that for good.
Our sponsors

What People Say About lcavotes
Latino Civic Alliance VOTES is changing the politics in Washington State!